Infiltration Assessments

Our Focus

An infiltration assessment is conducted to evaluate the ability of soil to absorb water and the rate at which water can penetrate into the ground.

A surface infiltration assessment involves the driving of two concentric metal cylinders into the ground. Water is poured in between the two cylinders and the time taken for groundwater level to drop is measured.

This assessment is important because it can provide valuable information on the soil’s ability to support vegetation growth, recharge groundwater resources, and manage storm water runoff. It can also help identify potential issues such as soil erosion, flooding, and water pollution. Infiltration assessments are commonly conducted in urban and suburban areas to evaluate the effectiveness of storm water management systems, but they can also be used in agricultural, industrial, and natural areas to assess the health and sustainability of ecosystems.

The results of the infiltration assessment include hydraulic conductivity, used by engineers in storm water drainage design.

Our assessments are conducted inline with AS3500.3. This standard outlines the requirements for the design and installation of storm water drainage systems, including the assessment of infiltration rates to ensure that storm water is effectively managed on site.

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